"Sigma DX helped us understand how we wanted to catalogue and tag our data files using digital tools we were already paying for within our Office 365 platform. The solution is saving us a considerable amount of time finding the information needed providing real tangible benefits to our business."
- Tim Barnes, Managing Director, Witt Group UK
The Customer
PSB UK Ltd introduced impulse ventilation systems to the UK, installing the country’s very first system in the car park at Artilleries Mansions in London. The company has grown rapidly having designed, built and installed over 500 systems across the UK and Europe.

The Customer Brief
We asked Sigma DX to help us significantly improve how we store our data. Like many businesses we put our data files in folders and sub-folders. While this appeared to file our data in a reasonable manner, staff could create and name new folders and sub-folders, eventually it became difficult to find specific data files unless you knew exactly where they were. For staff finding the correct data files became very difficult where the naming did not really indicate accurately what data was stored or in some cases was ambiguous such that data files could be stored in several different places.
What We Delivered
Firstly, we helped PSB UK Ltd understand how they wanted to catalogue and tag their data files and then using digital tools such as SharePoint helped PSB UK Ltd to transition to a different way of filing their data files. This allows their staff to access data files far more intuitively with digital controls in place to ensure that when data files are stored, the system enforces that those files/documents are properly catalogued and tagged enabling staff to find them by cross referencing several tags to get to a particular data file in a few seconds.

The supplied SharePoint solution included
- A Company Intranet Site that is intuitive and easy to navigate
- Customised Document Libraries with Version Control and Document Metadata
- Security Permissions to control User access & visibility of Navigation Tiles and Documents
- Integration with SageCRM to display a filtered list of files regarding a specific Customer or Opportunity
Quantifiable Benefits
- Single Version of the Truth – no duplicated documents across computers, mailboxes or network drives
- Reduced “Noise” for Users – they only see what they need to see for their job, making finding information far quicker and easier
- Easy and intuitive navigation, making finding information quicker and easier (3 click principle)
- Automatic reminders for “Controlled Documents” (e.g. Policies that are be reviewed annually)
- Managed and customised Document Approval process for “Controlled Documents”
- Automatic Data Retention and GDPR controls for the protection and management of Personal Information